Experiences in Movies and Video Games

This post is going to different than my usual fare.  It’s different because I’m bringing video games into the mix.  Why?  I had an experience playing a video game last week that got me thinking about our experiences in movies and to a lesser extent, video games.  What is the usual intent of a movie or video game?  To entertain audiences, right?  For the most part, yes.  But there are great number of exceptions to the rule.  What do I mean when a movie or game is compelling or shocking?  A compelling story draws its audience in with a great story and great characters to the point where they want to find out what happens next.  It evokes a level of insatiable curiosity that can sometimes have unintended consequences.  A shocking experience infers that an audience is surprised by something that they were not expecting to see.  Usually, that shocking experience is often not pleasant.  It’s a form of provocation that certainly has its uses.  Shocking audiences is the trademark of many of today’s horror movies.  For video games, it’s very much the same, except the audience is actively participating in what’s happening in the game.  Video games are an interactive medium, so the experience tends to be a little bit more personal.  The thing to realize about what makes a game or movie compelling or shocking is that it depends on the individual.  What might be compelling or shocking to me, may not be for someone else.  We’re all built to react to things differently.

Some people have often mistaken shocking for compelling.  Here’s a secret:  A shocking experience doesn’t necessarily make for a compelling one.  Likewise, a compelling film doesn’t need to be shocking in order for it to have an emotional impact on an audience.  But here’s the real kicker: An experience can be both shocking AND compelling.  Take Saving Private Ryan for example.  That movie opened with one of the most shocking and violent war sequences ever filmed.  Yet, it was also compelling because it was a real event during World War II, and it helped push the story forward.  It also had the benefit of realistic characters that we got attached to.  This is what helps make a compelling story and/or experience:  Having characters that we can relate to and understand, so when they are put in dangerous situations, we feel for them.  12 Years A Slave is another such compelling story.  Again, it’s based on actual historical events, so that makes for more unique experience.  Is it a fun movie to watch?  Not really.  But it was an excellent film, nonetheless.  That’s also another issue that I would like to discuss.  A compelling film experience doesn’t always make for a fun one.  It shouldn’t have to either.  Historical films or war films can be compelling without being overly entertaining.  It depends on how well the story is written and how the characters are conceived.  Horror films have a hard time being compelling because they spend so much time trying to be shocking.  I’m not necessarily saying there’s anything wrong with that, as I tend to enjoy some of these movies, like Saw or Evil Dead.  I’m a movie buff, obviously, so I watch a lot of different movies.  Now, we know that movies and books can be great and compelling experiences, but what about video games?

The reason I brought video games into the mix, was because of a specific experience I had playing a game called Spec Ops: The Line.  This is a 3rd-person military shooter.  This game came out back in 2012, so it’s not really new.  In terms of game play, it’s pretty average.  In fact, if it wasn’t for the story, setting and characters, Spec Ops would just be another run-of-the-mill shooter.  The game takes place in Dubai, where it’s been buried by severe sandstorms.  Your character, Captain Walker and two other soldiers are dropped in to find survivors and evacuate them.  Right from the get-go you’re dropped in without knowing what’s going on or who the enemy is, if there is any.  Almost right off the bat, you’re forced into fighting back against what appears to be insurgents, only to find out later that they were some of the survivors that your squad was looking for.  The game does a very good job of blurring the line between who is who and what the hell is going on.  You also end up going up against armed soldiers.  AMERICAN soldiers.  But you don’t know why they’re shooting at you or why they are there.  It’s a very ambiguous and messy situation.  The reaction your squad has to the situation is eerily realistic.  They’re confused about what’s going on, and later start turning on each other when certain things become clear.  It’s compelling because the game keeps you in the dark.  But there is a level in which you are forced to use white phosphorous mortar shells to clear a path through the city.  Through an infra-red camera, you can see people and vehicles moving, and you have to target some of them.  There is a bridge which has two tanks on top of it and a ton of people below.  You have no idea who or what they are, and you assume that they are the enemy.  The aftermath is truly horrific.  We knew the soldiers had it bad on the field, but the people in the trench below the bridge?  Civilians.  This game just made you slaughter dozens of men, women and children.  With the horrific images in your mind, you realize that the soldiers that you were killing earlier were trying to help the civilians.  That takes everything that came before and hits you in the gut with it.  When you understand how white phosphorous affects people, it makes it even more horrific.  It’s not shocking for the sake of being shocking.  It’s shocking to illustrate the dangers of assumption, command blindness, and lack of credible information.  Without such information, things can go horribly wrong.

Spec Ops: The Line is a good example of a how a video game can be truly compelling.  It certainly wasn’t entirely fun to play after that particular revelation, but I needed to find out what was going on and why things happened the way they did.  So, I kept going.  Let’s just say that the ending has an Apocalypse Now kind of vibe.  It’s compelling because you are participating in the game’s events.  In fact, the opening credits have YOU as a special guest.  There aren’t a whole lot of games out there that can craft an experience like that, and it’s a shame.  Gaming has the potential for incredibly in-depth and involving narrative experiences, but nobody is really taking advantage of the medium in that regard.  Sure, we have a lot of shocking stuff in games like Grand Theft Auto, but they are cartoonish at best.  The line between shocking and compelling can be blurred to great effect, and when it’s done correctly, it’s an experience like no other.  Is it a fun experience?  Not always, but it leaves an impression that sometimes doesn’t leave.  I feel that the best experiences are the ones that definitely leave an impression for good or ill, even Cannibal Holocaust.  Everybody has different experiences while watching movies or playing video games so not everyone is going to agree with what I’ve said.  There’s no right or wrong opinion here, it’s simply a matter of perspective.

Guardians of the Galaxy

Director: James Gunn

Released: August 2014

Run Time: 121 Minutes

Rated: PG-13

Chris Pratt: Peter Quill/Star-Lord
Zoe Saldana: Gamora
Dave Bautists: Drax
Vin Diesel: Groot
Bradley Cooper: Rocket
Lee Pace: Ronan
Michael Rooker: Yondu Udonta
Benicio Del Toro: The Collector

Over the past 15 years we’ve seen a major surge in comic-book based movies.  We’ve seen so many movies from X-Men and Spider-Man to Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Superman, Batman, and The Avengers.  Over the next few years, including 2015, we’ll be witnessing Ant-Man, Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice, an actual Justice League film, and Captain America: Civil War.  That’s just scratching the surface.  Most of Paramount’s films and Marvel’s in-house movies are interconnected, often directly.  Marvel’s had more success with their movies than Warner Bros. and DC, but it’s still going to be interesting to see where things go.  It’s a great time to be a fan of comic-book movies.  It really is.  Filmmakers like Bryan Singer, Christopher Nolan and Joss Whedon know what it takes to make a good comic book movie.  Others, like Brett Ratner….not so much.  But now, we can add director James Gunn to the list of directors who get it right.  And he got it right with the adaptation of a comic book series that didn’t seem to be as popular as others: Guardians of the Galaxy.

Somewhere in the galaxy on an unknown planet, a mysterious masked figure explores a mysterious old ruin when he comes upon a mysterious orb.  When he takes off his mask we found out that he’s a human named Peter Quill.  Soon, he’s apprehended by hostile forces who try to take him in for questioning.  Escaping with both his life and the orb, he makes his way back to a more civilized world to trade in the orb for some serious cash.  Little does he know that he is not the only one looking for that orb.  A brutal dictator by the name of Ronan the Accuser is searching for the orb so he can destroy the people that persecuted him and his family.  After being attacked by a mysterious green-skinned woman, Gamora, a talking raccoon named Rocket, and a giant tree-like figure, all figures are arrested and sent to prison somewhere in the galaxy.  The story is actually pretty good.  And yes, Virginia, there is a talking raccoon named Rocket.  While most of Marvel’s offerings have been superhero movies, Guardians of the Galaxy isn’t a superhero movie.  Tone-wise it’s more like Joss Whedon’s Firefly or Serenity.  The premise is so off-the-wall crazy it works.  It feels like a combination of Star Wars and Serenity.  It has more aliens though.

When your movie starts with the main character listening to Redbone’s Come and Get Your Love, you’re in for a real treat.  In fact, all these songs from the 60s and 70s play a huge role in the film.  There not just there for the sake of being amusing.  It helps.  One of the funniest scenes in the film has Blue Swede’s Hooked on a Feeling playing.  But there is a real reason for why Star-Lord listens to this music.  The reason is actually fairly sentimental and quite touching, really.  Yeah, this is NOT a movie that takes itself seriously.  In case I didn’t mention it before: Talking. Raccoon.  I honestly regret not seeing this one in theaters, because it is a blast.  I hadn’t really heard of the Guardians of the Galaxy comics before the movie was announced, so I guess that’ why I didn’t see it initially.  This is by far one of the most entertaining movies of 2014.  It is also one of the most spectacular.  The locations are absolutely stunning.  Not only do you have different landscapes and planets, but the ships and stations are incredibly detailed and enormous.  There is a location called Knowhere, that’s a mining colony set in the head of an ancient being.  It’s huge.  The sets themselves are a joy to behold.  Yeah, they’re enhanced with CG, but the actual sets are big.

If the sets and visuals are big, the action is bigger.  This movie is jam-packed with awesome action and chase sequences that are chock-full of humor.  You’ve got huge air battles around enormous ships that remind you of Star Wars and you’ve also got people on the ground taking on enemy forces.  Fights are well-choreographed and combined with the awesome CG, this movie is just a riot from beginning to end.  The humor in the film isn’t the wink-at-the-audience kind of humor.  It feels genuine given the circumstances and feels more natural given the interactions between the characters.  All this stuff would be for naught if the characters weren’t memorable.  These are some of the wildest characters I’ve ever seen.  We’ve got the green-skinned beauty, Gamora, played by Zoe Saldana; the barbaric Drax, played by WWE vet David Bautista; Rocket the Raccoon, voiced by Bradley Cooper; Groot is voiced by action movie veteran Vin Diesel, Michael Rooker as the mercenary Yondu, and Chris Pratt as Peter Quill a.k.a Star-Lord.  Everyone here brings their A game, and just knocks it out of the park.  Groot only says three words at a time, all the time: “I am Groot.”  Michael Rooker almost steals the show.  His character is not only funny at times, but he’s tough nut.  His weapon is unique in which it’s activated when he whistles.  The villains are pretty interesting too.  Ronan the Accuser, played by Lee Pace, is absolutely threatening.  He’s super-strong, carries a massive hammer and is more than willing to slaughter his way across the galaxy to get what he wants.  The one that DOES steal the show is Rocket.  This guy is absolutely hilarious.  He’s a trash-talking raccoon that carries a rocket launcher.

One of the most important things in a movie, as I have said many times before, is the music.  In the case of Guardians of the Galaxy, it’s not just the score by Tyler Bates, but it’s also the songs that Star Lord listens to throughout the film.  You’ve got Blue Swede, David Bowie, Norman Greenbaum, Redbone, Raspberries and The Jackson 5.  It’s a wild selection of music and yet, it works.  It really makes the movie better.  If the movie wasn’t handled as well as it has, it would’ve crashed and burned.  Thankfully, James Gunn was more than up to the task and delivered one of the most eclectic and wild rides of 2014.  I don’t think I can recommend this movie enough.  It’s great fun, with awesome action, great music and amazing characters.  I can’t wait to see where Guardians goes next.  It should be spectacular.  Who knows, it might eventually even tie into the rest of Marvel’s Cinematic Universe.  One never knows.  So, yeah, the movie’s a riot.  9.5/10.

Previews: YAY!!!

2014 was a fantastic year for movies.  We got great films like Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Hercules, X-Men: Days of Future Past, and The Raid 2.  We also some pretty bad movies like I, Frankenstein, Legend of Hercules, Brick Mansions, and The Protector 2.  Mostly, the movies were really good, and it looks like the upcoming slate of movies this year is going to be awesome.  Let’s dive in, shall we?

The Avengers: Age of Ultron

Wow.  I mean, WOW!  I’m going to be honest here: I’m biased towards Marvel’s films.  I’ve got most of them on Blu-Ray.  Starting with Iron Man, a good chunk of Marvel’s movies were heading towards what would end up being one of the most anticipated comic-book movies of all time: The Avengers.  The resulting film was an absolute blast.  Written and directed by Joss Whedon, The Avengers was the first true ensemble superhero movie of its kind.  Captain America, Iron Man, Black Widow, Hawkeye, The Hulk, and Thor came together in one of the most epic movies in the past 5 years.  It had great writing with a great sense of humor.  It also had some of the most incredible action sequences and visual effects ever seen in a comic book movie.  The sequel looks to one-up the original film in every possible way.  It also looks like some of the heroes might be in serious jeopardy.  This could the Empire Strikes Back of the Marvel Universe.  The Avengers: Age of Ultron smashes into theaters May 1st of this year.

Seventh Son

This one definitely looks interesting.  Jeff Bridges as a knight fighting demons, dragons and witches?  I’m down for it.  The visuals look absolutely incredible.  There’s a problem, though.  This movie was supposed to be released LAST year.  But due to some kind of falling out between Legendary Studios and Warner Bros, the rights to the film got sold to Universal Pictures, which delayed the film.  It isn’t the first time I’ve seen this happen, but it’s never a good thing.  I’m keeping my fingers crossed with this one.  I’m still rather intrigued.  I love the fantasy genre.  So seeing something like this gets me interested.  This one actually comes out in less than a month: February 6, I believe.  I’m keeping an eye on it.


I didn’t even hear about this one until towards the beginning of the month.  Directed by Neill Blomkamp, Chappie tells the story of a robot that has been adopted by a fairly dysfunctional family.  This movie looks like one of the most compelling movies of the year.  I’m honestly excited because Neill Blomkamp is one of my favorite filmmakers.  This guy gave us District 9, one of the best science fiction movies I’ve ever seen.  It also gave us a new star in Sharlto Copley, who plays the titular character in Chappie.  The film also stars Hugh Jackman and Sigourney Weaver.  Chappie could very well be the sleeper hit of the year.  The movie comes out on March 6.  It’s another one that’s worth keeping a lookout for.

The Peanuts Movie


Is there anyone who hasn’t read the Peanuts comic strip?  I grew up reading a lot of comic strips and Peanuts is absolutely one of my favorites.  I also grew up watching the holiday specials which were absolutely fantastic.  When I heard that they were making a movie, I was rather curious how they were going to do it.  They could have easily done it in CG, but it looks like stop-motion animation.  Granted, this is a teaser trailer, but it looks pretty fun.  It seems to maintain the humor and good nature of the comic strip.  Count me in.  It doesn’t come out until November 6, however.  Good grief.

Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer’s Curse

Would somebody please explain to me where the hell this came from?  While I try to make it a point to rarely preview direct-to-video movies, there are exceptions.  I first got a glimpse of Dragonheart 3 when I was watching the Scorpion King 4 DVD the other day.  Don’t judge me.  I remember the original Dragonheart with Dennis Quaid, David Thewlis and Pete Postlethwaite.  It was a pretty fun romp.  Also, the dragon was voiced by Sean Connery.  It certainly helped that the dragon was worked on by the same guys who did Jurassic Park.  It was a pretty awesome movie.  Nobody had expected a sequel, let alone 2.  Dragonheart 2: A New Beginning was released 15 years ago and was direct-to-video.  It was poorly received, but I didn’t think it was that bad.  The third act of the film was pretty lame, though.  Looking at the trailer for the third film here, it looks like they   actually put some serious effort into the dragon.  They also managed to get Sir Ben Kingsley to voice the beast.  This one’s coming straight-to-video on February 24.  Honestly, I’m not overly surprised.  They did make three Scorpion King sequels.  I’m just amazed it took them this long.  Still, it’s probably going to be better than most of the Sy-Fi channel garbage that they’ve been putting out lately.

Well, that concludes this batch of previews, so I hope everybody gets out to the movies this year and help support your favorite film.  So, any thoughts or comments?  I would appreciate it.  Thanks for reading.

Bad Movie: Highlander: The Source

Released: 2007

Movie Trailer

Director: Brett Leonard

Run Time: 86 Minutes

Rated: R

Adrian Paul: Duncan MacLeod
Thekla Reuten: Anna
Peter Wingfield: Methos
Jim Byrnes: Joe Dawson

I’ve decided I’m going to try something new here.  There’s a ton of truly awful movies out there, and I’ve seen a lot.  I have an interesting idea.  At least I think it’s interesting.  Some of these movies are so dreadful they deserve a category of their own.  I figured maybe once a week I should watch one of these abominations.  It might be good for a laugh.  To celebrate the birth of this new category, I have chosen to watch the last of the live-action Highlander films: The Source.  Back in 1986, there was a little fantasy movie starring Christopher Lambert and Clancy Brown called Highlander.  It was about a group of immortals who fought each other in order to win The Prize, something that would give them the power to rule the world or destroy it.  The only way to kill an immortal is to take his head and with it his knowledge and life-force.  The film tanked in the States, but it did pretty well overseas.  Over the years it did find its audience.  As a result, we got 4 live-action sequels, an anime spin-off(which was amazing by the way), a live-action TV series with its own spin-off and a cartoon.  Highlander: The Source was the last of the live-action sequels.  There’s a reason for that.

Set in a future where governments no longer exist and civilization has fallen into decay, a group of immortals lead by Duncan MacLeod have discovered that an unusual planetary alignment.  They believe that alignment will point them to The Source, the immortals’ Holy Grail where they believe that their immortality came from, or so the previews of the film would have you believe.  The only thing standing in their way is The Guardian, the most generic of all the Highlander villains.  You know, back in 2003 or 2004 I had started hearing rumors that they were going to make a fifth live-action Highlander film starring Adrian Paul, the guy who played Duncan MacLeod in the TV series and Highlander: Endgame.  A while later, the rumors had evolved to the point where it seemed that The Source would be the first in a new trilogy of films.  The Source happened, but the aforementioned trilogy?  Nope.  Why?  It debuted on the Sci-Fi Channel.  That’s NEVER a good thing.  I knew there was a problem when that was announced.  So, what went wrong?  As it turns out, damn near everything.

Let’s start off with the fact that the film debuted on the Sci-Fi channel instead of theaters.  The Source is the first in the series to skip theaters entirely.  Given the quality of the work that’s on the screen, I’m not surprised.  Any movie that debuts on the Sci-Fi channel is generally not very good.  Next, the whole film is set in a nearly post-apocalyptic future.  That would be fine, if it didn’t look so fake.  There’s a lot of green-screen shots here.  It’s very obvious.  There are precious few scenes that actually take place on location.  It’s low-budget fare, but they really could have done without the excessive CG backgrounds.  Some of the Quickening effects aren’t too shabby.  But that leads into another problem.  There’s only one scene where the quickening happens when someone loses their head.  That’s towards the beginning when The Guardian corners an immortal.  It’s pretty spectacular watching the whole building explode when that happens.  But that leads into several OTHER problems.  One: There are no other encounters between immortals where one takes another’s head and gains his power.  Yeah, heads do roll, but there’s nothing terribly spectacular about it.  Next, and this a big one: The villain.  The Guardian is one of the most laughable and non-threatening villains I’ve ever seen.  At times he’s trying to sound like the Kurgan, and others he’s coming off as an announcer of sorts.  He even looks ridiculous.  Not only that, he moves like Tazmanian Devil from Looney Tunes.  That also leads to some fairly one-sided and silly confrontations.

Oh, there’s still more crap here for me to talk about.  The acting is atrocious.  Adrian Paul is the only one who seems to be pulling his weight along with Peter Wingfield.  Everyone else is either underacting or completely overdoing it.  Like I said before, The Guardian is an absolute joke.  I’m not blaming the guy who plays him, but the character is just poorly written and not explained very well.  Then again, nothing is explained well in this movie.  Planets that move out of their usual orbital paths to show the way to The Source?  Astrophysics aside, that’s….stupid.  The whole planetary alignment nonsense has been used in sci-fi and horror movies for decades.  It’s a stale plot device.  Let’s talk about The Source itself.  According to the film’s ever-changing mythology, The Source is apparently where immortals can find answers to who and what they are as well as gaining power.  But it turns out that only one can use The Source with a woman to have a child………WHAT?!?!  So all that jazz over the previous films and TV series about the mantra that there can be only one and The Prize is all B.S?  Pretty much.  I’ve seen sequels that piss all over the mythology that the previous films had established, but not like this.  Let’s discuss the film’s music.  The orchestral stuff isn’t too bad.  Low-budget, but it’s pretty tolerable.  The songs they use though: Oh, man.  It’s clear they couldn’t get permission from Queen to actually use their songs in Highlander: The Source, so they paid somebody else to cover certain songs, namely Princes of the Universe, and Who Wants To Live Forever.  Those are two of my favorite songs from the original Highlander.  They really butchered them here.  Princes of the Universe isn’t horrible, but the other one is an absolute joke.  The original version of Who Wants To Live Forever was excellent because it combined Queen’s music with Michael Kamen’s musical score.  It was brilliant.  The version for The Source?  Abominable, embarrassing and terrible to listen to.  I’d rather listen to finger-nails on a chalkboard.

Is there anything good about the movie?  Well, there’s Adrian Paul.  He’s brooding and somewhat emo, but he still manages to kick some serious tail in the film.  Some of the action isn’t too shabby either.  The sequence in the tower at the beginning of the film is actually fairly engaging and has some pretty interesting visuals.  There are certain ideas that could have panned out if the writers actually used their heads.  Unfortunately, the majority of action sequences involving the Guardian are poorly edited and choreographed.  Watching Methos antagonize Duncan was pretty amusing.  Some of the explosions were pretty big.  One of the songs that was not a Queen cover wasn’t actually bad.  The film also runs for 86 minutes.  I would say that it doesn’t overstay it’s welcome, but I don’t think Highlander: The Source was welcome in the first place.  This movie was universally panned as the worst Highlander movie ever made.  I can’t argue with that assessment.  This movie was a disaster right from the get-go.  There was another Highlander film released around the same time called The Search for Vengeance.  Now THAT was a good Highlander film.  Why?  It took a really different direction and went anime.  I feel that Japanese anime suits the franchise.  For visuals and story-telling, The Search for Vengeance wound up being the second-best Highlander film ever.  That one I highly recommend.  The Source?  No, just…no.  The only reason I have the film on DVD is because I’m a completionist.

Because of Highlander: The Source, the franchise got buried, along with the video game that was announced for 2008.  Somebody decided that it may be a good idea to re-make the original film.  It could work if they get the right writers and director for it.  But if it sucks, it’s going to bury the franchise for good.  So…my final verdict for Highlander: The Source?  As an action film: 6/10.  As a Highlander film: 1/10.  Do yourselves a favor, stick with the original or the anime.