The Future…

The Science Behind Why Sunset Colors Pop When Wildfire Smoke Chokes The Air

It will have been 10 years this November since I embarked on this blogging journey of Major Tom’s Movies.  Where does the time go?  My inaugural post was a review of Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey, one of the greatest science fiction, nay, one of the greatest films of all time.  What better time to say goodbye to this website than that?  Now, before anyone freaks out, Major Tom’s Movies isn’t going anywhere.  I’m just making a few adjustments, including when it comes to hosting.  See, for the last ten years, I’ve been using Blue Hosting as my hosting service.  It’s been pretty reliable, but it’s been getting really expensive, especially for the minimum that I needed.  On top of that,  I really haven’t been getting the engagement I was hoping for.  Maybe the algorithms weren’t right, I don’t know.  As it stands, I’ve been putting more money into this venture than I’ve been getting out of it.  Don’t get me wrong, I haven’t been doing it for the money.  I’ve been doing it because I enjoy it.  But it was always in the back of my mind, why I should be paying so much for this.

I’ve honestly been thinking about this for quite some time, actually.  Now, I don’t plan on giving up blogging.  Far from it.  I just had to take a different approach.  So, Major Tom’s Movies will continue, but not in its current form.  Honestly, this site hasn’t changed a bit since I started it, and quite frankly, it’s ugly and it’s hard on the eyes.  As of right now, will be completely inert.  All this will be available to see until November.  For those that want to continue this journey with me, head on over to for any more future updates and reviews.  I’ve already migrated all my posts and stuff over to that site, so the only thing I will really have to do now is change the links in the tabs, and that’s going to take me a while.  But once that’s done, this site will be left behind, and I will no longer be using Blue Host.

I don’t really feel sad about it either.  In fact, it’s rather freeing, particularly financially.  But there’s another huge reason why I’m making changes NOW.  I want to go back to school.  I want to get into film history.  I want to be a part of preserving movies for future generations.  It’s not enough that I blog about it, but I want to get future generations interested in film.  Right now, we have the YouTube and TikTok generation whose attention spans are less than ideal.  Film history is history, and it’s responsible for a lot of what people have now.  I know the path forward that I need to take.  It’s going to take time, and it’s going to take a lot of work and dedication.  But it’s something I truly want.  My ultimate goal is to teach film history on a college/university level.  By passing on knowledge to the next generations seems the most logical thing to do for me, so I don’t necessarily think that’s going to leave a ton of room for blogging, but it should be an interesting challenge to see how blogging and teaching can work together.  It’s a challenge I’m up for.

So, for those of you that stuck with me, I thank you, and for those that may not follow me: Godspeed and good luck to all of you.  For those that wish to continue with this journey, there’s still a lot of movies coming this year for me to check out.  Head on over to my new website and stay tuned.  Thank you so very much.  This Major Tom, signing off.

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